Saturday, May 23, 2009

Feet on 5.23.09

Right front.
No more Thrush, but still working on the dew itch. Left hind.
Left hind
Right hind. This is the one where he had an abscess drain at the right heal bulb.
Right front
Left front
These photos were taken a week after the shoes were pulled and the hooves trim. Looking better and feeling better. There's hope for these feet yet. The rains are making it hard to get rid of the dew itch which is worse on the hind feet.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Canyon's feet 5.19.09

Contracted heals due to improper shoeing. Hopefully going barefoot and proper trimming will solve this problem. Right front.
Left front
Right hind...
Left hind...
Notice the difference in the two front feet.
Here's some shots of Canyon's feet before the shoes were removed. Don't like the under run heals or the angles on the front feet. We are also treating him for scratches, dew itch, muck itch, or whatever it's called these days, and a little thrush too. We think his feet will be better off without the shoes. Stay tuned........