Friday, July 17, 2009

Fun Day Riding

OK, he left Haley behind, but she loved it. The form will come.
Canyon was trotting out nicely for her.
Rounded her shoulders, but was using her leg. I'd like to see a little more contact. I think she was trying to get him to canter.
Better, she was ready this time.
Oops, cut off Haley's head, but it's a cute picture of Canyon. Still needs more contact.

Haley has learned a lot on Canyon. He's a nicely trained horse, quiet and well mannered. The perfect horse for a beginner to advance on. He has done it all and is quite willing to help a novice learn and move on. Now if we can only keep him sound. We're trying him without shoes for a while. He's still a little sore on the front, but only on concrete. On the grass he seems fine. He has helped Haley's confidence and she's trying very hard to get it all right. She just needs time and miles in the saddle.

Friday, July 3, 2009

7.03.09 Trims

Canyon's feet after the farrier did a trim with a Mustang Roll, which I requested.

Right front before trim.....
Right front after trim......
Right Hind before.....

Right Hind after trim....
July 3, 2009.....I asked the farrier to do a Mustang Roll on Canyon. He proceeded to tell me that Canyon was not a Mustang and was not running through the type of terrain that the Mustangs are, that he was a Thoroughbred turned out in pasture a few hours a day and spending the rest of the time standing in a stall. Therefore the Mustang Roll wasn't what he would normally be doing for this horse. I had him do it anyway. He's probably PO'd at me, but I don't care at this point. I've purchased some farrier tools and a hoof stand so hopefully I can keep his feet looking good without the farrier's help. We'll see.