Friday, July 3, 2009

7.03.09 Trims

Canyon's feet after the farrier did a trim with a Mustang Roll, which I requested.

Right front before trim.....
Right front after trim......
Right Hind before.....

Right Hind after trim....
July 3, 2009.....I asked the farrier to do a Mustang Roll on Canyon. He proceeded to tell me that Canyon was not a Mustang and was not running through the type of terrain that the Mustangs are, that he was a Thoroughbred turned out in pasture a few hours a day and spending the rest of the time standing in a stall. Therefore the Mustang Roll wasn't what he would normally be doing for this horse. I had him do it anyway. He's probably PO'd at me, but I don't care at this point. I've purchased some farrier tools and a hoof stand so hopefully I can keep his feet looking good without the farrier's help. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, farriers are so stuck in their ways. I guess you didn't refer him to the ironfreehoof web page? You can just call it a wall bevel and explain that by doing so it will help relieve the pressure that causes the cracks. But in all seriousness, a good farrier is going to put a strong bevel on a bare hoof. If he doesn't well he is just doing a trim for a shoe. Mustangs roll their own toes and walls, and why is that? Hmmm food for thought. Did you taking any sole shots? Did he trim sole?
